Career Focus - The World of Teaching

University-led Teacher Training

The most popular way for graduates to become a teacher is to complete a Postgraduate Certificate in Education ( PGCE).

PGCE courses focus primarily on developing of teaching skills, and not knowledge of the subject you intend to teach. As such, you are expected to have a good understanding of your chosen subject(s), usually to degree level, before you start training.

How long does a PGCE take?

Courses generally last for one or two years full-time. There are also some PGCE courses which take two years part-time.

Where can you do a PGCE?

PGCE courses are available at universities and colleges throughout the UK. However, if it suits your circumstances better, you may be possible for you to earn a PGCE via flexible distance learning, or in a school by completing a programme of school centred initial teacher training (SCITT).

What qualifications do you need?

You must have a UK undergraduate degree or a recognised equivalent qualification. Your degree should relate to the subject you want to teach (if primary, that means the core subjects of the national curriculum, if it doesn't, you might be able to complete a pre-training course to get your knowledge up to the required level.
You must also have achieved a standard equivalent to at least a grade C in GCSE English language and mathematics. And if you were born on or after 1 September 1979 and want to teach primary or Key Stage 2/3 (ages 7-14), you need to have achieved a standard equivalent to a grade C in a GCSE science subject. There are also two year conversion courses available.

Is there any additional funding available?

Eligible trainees completing SCITT courses in England are entitled to receive a tax-free training bursary of up to £20,000 or scholarships of £25,000. Bursary & scholarship amounts will vary depending on teacher training subject and degree class or highest relevant academic qualification.

How do you apply?

Applications for initial teacher training (ITT) courses are made via a system administered by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).

If you are ready to make your application, you can do so through UCAS Teacher Training, the new teacher training portal through which you can apply for all postgraduate ITT, including university-led and school-led routes.

When should you apply?

Applications for 2015 will be open from end of October.

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